Hsk 5, lesson 34, part 1. 鸟儿的护肤术 The art of birds caring for their wings
接触 contact jie1chu4
听觉 hearing
视觉 vision
角虫觉 sense of touch as in the case of a antenna of an insect
特征 characteristic te4zheng1 特点
翅膀 wing chi4bang3
昆虫 insect kun1chong2
天空 sky tian1kong1
区分 distinguish qu1fen1 分别
地面 surface, face of
唯一 sole only wei2yi1
斑 spot, speckle, stripe ban1
充当 to serve as chong1dang1
总之 in summary, in short zong3zhi1
绝色 role jue2se4
爱惜 cherish, treasure ai4xi1 珍惜 zhenxi 保护 baohu care for
保养 to take good care of bao3yang3
破坏 to break pohuai
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