HSK 5 Lesson 35 Vegetation Sweats

 炎热 yanre scorching hot
歇 xie to rest
开水 kai shui to boil water
冰激凌 bingjiling ice cream
肌肉 jirou chicken
恢复 huifu to recover (e.g. one's strength)
湿润 shirun moist, humid
阴凉 yinliang cool and shady
指挥 zhihui indicate+wave=command, direct
赶快 gankuai at once, hurriedly
汗腺 hanxian sweat gland
毛孔 maokong pore (hair+follicle
冒 mao emit
片 pian disc, slice, slab, a flat & thin piece
常识 changshi common knowledge
根 gen root
吸收 xishou absorb
控制 kongzhi control (dig+produce)
成分 chengfen element, component
梢 shao tip
管子 guanzi pipe, conduit, tube
玻璃 boli glass
测验 ceyan test
根本 lit. root, fig. fundamentally, simply
枝干 zhigan branch limb bough
释放 shifang emit, release
自动 zidong lit self+move= spontaneously, voluntarily
补充 buchong to replenish, supplement (lit. insufficiency)
抽 chou to draw (forth)
蒸腾 zhengteng to rise, vapourize
内部 neibu interior
系统 xitong system
转狂 zhuangkuang  condition, state
秩序 zhixu order, orderly state
特殊 teshu particularly, particularity, special


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