规定gui1ding4 provision stipulation
规则gui1ze2 regulation, rule
道歉dao4qian4 say sorry
抱歉bao4qian4 feel sorry
规划gui1hua4 plan (detailed long term)
计划ji4hua4 plan (short term, informal)
了解,理解 - liǎojiě, lǐjiě - understand
寂寞,孤独 - jìmò, gūdú - lonely
突然,忽然 - tūrán, hūrán - suddenly
临时,暂时 - línshí, zànshí - temporary
按时,准时 - ànshí, zhǔnshí - on time
按照,根据 - ànzhào, gēnjù - according to
表达,表示 - biǎodá, biǎoshì - express
不但,不仅 - búdàn, bùjǐn - not only
大概, 大约 - dàgài, dàyuē - about, approximately
生活,生命,人生 - shēnghuó, shēngmìng, rénshēng - life
交流,沟通,商量,讨论 - jiāoliú, gōutōng, shāngliáng, tǎolùn - communicate
成为, 变成 - chéngwéi, biànchéng - become
获得,得到,收到,受到 - huòdé, dédào, shōu dào, shòudào - receive
减少,降低 - jiǎnshǎo, jiàngdī - decrease, reduce
想法,主意,意见 - xiǎngfǎ, zhǔyì, yìjiàn - idea
启示qi3shi4 revalation
其实qi3shi4 In fact
达成da2cheng2 reach
强化qiang2hua4 strong+transform=enhanced
气候qi1hou4 breath+wait=atmosphere
行动xing2dong4 path+movement=path of movement i.e. action, operation (verb not a noun)
联合lian2he2 mutual, united, joint (lit. linked+closed)
宣言xuan1yan2 declaration (lit. ((grand+under a roof)=declare)+words)
老公lao3gong husband
劳工lao3gong3 labor
爽快shuang4kuai4 rejuvenate(d)
巴不得ba4bude2 can't wait for
嚷rang4 shout out, yell
拿手na2shou3 expert
佳肴jia1yao1 fine food
督促du1cu4 to push forward as a leader; supervise and urge
打架da3jia4 to fight, come to blows
别扭bie4niu get along badly with
融洽rong2qia4 get along well with
亲密qin1mi4 intimate, dear
忽略hu3lve4 neglect
嫉妒 ji2du4 jealous, envy
滔滔不绝 tao1tao1 bu4 jue2 to pour forth ceaselessly
嘲笑 chao2 xiao4 to mockl
讨好 tao3 hao3 to curry favor with, kiss up to
依旧 yi1jiu4 still
郑重 zheng4zhong serious solemn
当面 dang1mian4 to one's face
人家 ren2jia other people
附和 fu4he4 to echo, chime in with
大伙儿 da4 hu3 er we all, everyone
和睦 he2mu4 harmonious
宽容 kuan1rong2 to be tolerant
疑惑 yi4 huo4 doubt
反问 fan3 wen4 to ask a question in reply
瞬间 shun2jian1 instant moment
鸦雀无声 ya1que4wu2sheng1 utter silence (lit. not a crow not a sound)
启蒙 qi3meng2 declare state impart elementary knowledge
任 ren4 term of office
反驳 fan3bo2 refute retort
意识 yi4shi2 realize be aware
实行 shi2xing2 practice, implement
严厉 yan2 li4 stern strict severe
约束 yue1shu2 to keep within bounds, restrain
专家zhuanjia expert
依旧yijiu still
火爆huobao lit. explosive i.e. all the rage, the hottest items, the latest and greatest etc.
商店shangdian eCommerce
上当shangdang cheated, suckered, swindled.
潜力qian2li4 potential
潜qian2 hidden secret latent submerged
领先ling3xian1 lead
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