Bad Luck? Market collapse. Sound alikes. Dao Mei colocations.

In times of hate and murder beauty must struggle to push itself out.

倒霉 dao3 mei2 to have bad luck. Lit. means: reach (home) and upend (one's tools). I.e. an outporing of illness, of the importune. This mei means mold.  It just means bad rotten luck, misfortune generally speaking.

到每 reached + each = each reached.

倒楣 collapse, go bankrupt, fall (in prices, as in a sell off) "reached the rooftops" is a nice nearly exact literal parallel colocation "the clamor from the stock sell off reached the rooftops"!  This mei is the crossbeam, the LINTEL, a supporting rafter, without which a roof cannot hold up.  This is the dao3 mei2 which describes A RUSSIAN BOND DEFAULT RESULTING IN A STOCK MARKET COLLAPSE

for example.

到没 reached + not = haven't arrived dao4 mei2

到美 reached beauty dao4 mei3  / reached america. 

(mei3 is an abbreviation for 美国) 





It's been one of those days! [General misfortune]


生意碰到开火就该 公债却是例外

For other businessmen encountering "open fire" results in market collapse

but bond traders exceptionally thrive on it!  

 [Specific ECONOMIC collapse]


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